Reactive Programming: Dealing with Asynchronicity | Decoupled Drupal Days 2018 New York

Reactive Programming: Dealing with Asynchronicity

Ricardo Sanz
sanzante / tunic
Decoupled Drupal Days 2018 @ New York

Ricardo Sanz
Drupal Developer & DevOps
sanzante @ Twitter

Reactive Programming
  • A way to manage asynchronicity.
  • This is NOT a talk about React.
  • Based on the ReactiveX library.
  • Usable in many languages in addition to JavaScript: PHP, Java, Scala, C#, C++, Pyhton and others.
  • It greatly simplifies asynchronous working.
  • Very easy to combine and manage asynchronous data sources.
  • Generates a shorter, simpler and more intuitive code*.
  • Maintainability.
  • Unpredictable events over time.
  • The browser environment is asynchronous.
  • AJAX.
  • User interaction (mouse, keyboard, etc).
  • Timers or animations
  • WebSockets.
  • Workers.
  • Simple reaction to an event.
  • Function call (listeners).
    jQuery('#grip').click(function() {
  • Coding complex reactions is hard.
  • Callback hell.
Callback hell
var doc;
memStorage.get(docId, response => {
doc = memResponse;
  if (!memResponse) {
    localStorage.get(docId, localResponse => {
      doc = localResponse;
      if (!localResponse) {
        serverStorage.get(docId, serverResponse => {
          doc = serverResponse;
          if (!serverResponse) {
            // Error.
  • Objects that wrap asynchronous operations and react when there is a result.
  • They're almost callbacks turned into objects.
  • They greatly improve flow and error management.
  • Added to ES2015 (ECMAScript 6).
  • They are resolved only once: they return a single value.
  • Following the execution flow may not be trivial.
  • They are not lazy.
  • They are not cancelables.
  • Promise hell.
Reactive programming
  • It brings functional programming capabilities to imperative programming.
  • Programming using asynchronous data streams.
  • Declaration of data pipes that process and transform the data that crosses them.
  • Declaration of reactions to changes.
  • Similar example: how Angular, React and Vue.js update rendering on data change.
  • Is about creating data pipes.
  • The pipe that certain data crosses.
  • Abstract idea, not a data structure *.
Simple pipe
Example: Click event listener.
jQuery('#grip').click(function() {
Complex pipe
Example: From a click to an AJAX request, and then to a instantiated object list.
  • Observables from Observer pattern.
  • Data streams.
  • They emmit data until they finish or an error is triggered.
Marble diagrams
  • Simple way to show data flow over time.
  • Data flow that emits 4 elements and then finishes.
  • Data flow that emits 3 elements and then emits an error.
  • They allow to chain streams.
  • They allow to transform the stream data.
  • They allow to modulate streams.
  • They can create streams.
  • They can combine streams
Filter operator, filters values that don't match the condition.
Map operator, transforms stream data.
Ej: Chronometre
  • Manual chronometre that accumulates time.
  • A button to enable it.
  • Another button to pause/continue.
var clockValue = 0;
var clockOn = true;

const btS$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(buttonStart, 'click');
const btP$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(buttonPause, 'click');
const clock$ = Rx.Observable.interval(1000);

btP$.subscribe(() => clockOn = !clockOn);

clock$.subscribe(x => output1.innerHTML = x)

clock$.combineLatest(btS$, v => v)
  .filter(() => clockOn)
  .subscribe(() => output2.innerHTML = ++clockValue);
Event diagram

  clock$  ---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9------>
  btS$    --------x--------------------------------->
                  filter (clockOn)

  btP$    ---------------------x--------x----------->
  clockV  000000001112222333344444444444455556666--->
  clockOn 111111111111111111111000000000011111111--->

¡Button killer!
"Button killerism"
var button = document.querySelector('.this');
var clickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click');
var text = document.querySelector('h2');
var multiClickStream = clickStream
    .buffer(() => Rx.Observable.interval(660))
    .map(list => list.length)
    .filter(x => x >= 2);

multiClickStream.subscribe(numclicks => {

    .subscribe(suggestion => {

Request URL and instantiate objects
Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click')
  .map(() => ''
  .flatMap(url => http.get(url))
  .map(items => MyItem(item)))
  .subscribe(instances => this.list = instances);
Request URL and instantiate objects
Auto refresh
Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click')
  .map(() => ''
  .flatMap(url => http.get(url))
  .map(items => MyItem(item)))
  .subscribe(instances => this.list = instances);
Request URL and instantiate objects
Deactivatable auto refresh
  .filter(() => this.autorefresh)
  .merge(Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click'))
  .map(() => ''
  .flatMap(url => http.get(url))
  .map(items => MyItem(item)))
  .subscribe(instances => this.list = instances);
Request URL and instantiate objects
Deactivatable auto refresh and error management.
  .filter(() => this.autorefresh)
  .merge(Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click'))
  .map(() => ''
  .flatMap(url => http.get(url))
  .map(items => MyItem(item)))
  .catch(err => Rx.Observable.of(this.list))
  .subscribe(instances => this.list = instances);
Why Reactive Programming
  • You can express from simple reactions to extremely complex reactions to change.
  • No more hells.
  • Observables resolve as many times as needed.
  • Execution flow is intuitive *.
  • It's lazy.
  • It's cancellable.
When to use Reactive Programming?
  • With many ashynchonous data sources.
  • Complex interactions.
  • Complex interdependency.
  • To avoid internal state to manage asynchronous events.
WorldArchery App
Observables notes
  • They are not EventEmitter.
  • Can be asyncronous or synchronous.
  • Can be cold o hot.
  • Can be multicast o unicast.
  • Can share or not the data source with their subscriptors.
Why to adopt?
Because others have already done it.
Why to adopt?
  • It can express very complex models.
  • It handles any data source.
  • Observables: proposed for standard, currently in stage 1.
  • Less code, improved maintanibility.
  • Available in many languages.
  • Asynchronicity.
  • The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing:
  • Interactive marble diagrams:
  • Rx Visualizer:
  • ReactiveX:
  • Ben Lesh: